Giving Doesn’t Have To Cost A Dime

Charity and ‘giving back’ is such an important aspect in life.  In fact, I wholeheartedly believe that we receive in proportion of what we give.

Every day it seems that people and organizations are coming at us from all directions asking for donations.   As much as some of want to give, it is impossible to donate to everyone that extends their hand.  It can be overwhelming, especially to most of us that are careful to not overextend while we look after our own families.

My point to this is that giving does not always have to be the financial kind.  You can give many things of yourself, including your time.  Think about the causes that are most near your heart.  Their are many things that you can do to help.  Just think…and they will come to you.  When you create out of passion, it is impossible to fail.

In regards to getting back what you give, it’s simple.
If you want to be wealthy…give of your wealth.
If you want love…give love.
If you want healthy relationships…give your strength and positivity.
If you want success…help others find it.

Check out this video I posted a while ago on my facebook page. Just one example of creating meaningful change out of your passion.

Soon, Whitman & Associates will be featuring our business associates and friends that give in their own way.

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