Customer Service Workshop – Part 2 of 3

Welcome back from the long weekend everyone!  Hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend with family and friends AND lots of bbq-ing.  The end of last month I posted part 1 of my 3 part series on customer service.  The point of this series is to provide some questions that will help you take an honest look at well you do at customer service.  Remember, if you deal with customers and clients, this is for you.  Feel free to leave any comments or input on this post as it is always most beneficial when we all share our insights and opinions.


      _______ 9.   Listen, Listen, Listen – When it comes to customer service, good listening skills are imperative!  Don’t assume you know what the customer is saying.  Listen!  Focus on the customer.  How can you become a better listener?

      _______ 10. Have a Personal Vision – A vision is a picture in your mind of an “ideal future situation.”  What is your personal vision of customer service for your job?  What does it look like, sound like, feel like?

      ________11. Rise Above the Competition – All-out superior service to customers can really set you apart from the competition.  In what ways does your customer service truly set you above and apart from your competition?

      ________12. Become a Champion for Customer Service – Take a leadership role, step forward with enthusiasm, clear the way for others!  These are the actions of a champion.  Are you willing to become a champion for customer service?

      ________13. Create the Environment – Work environments that are pleasant, comfortable and “customer friendly” are an important advantage to good service.  How could your work environments be improved?  Are they “customer friendly?”

_________14. Be Your Own Customer – It is always helpful to really know and understand your own products and services.  Do you use the products and services of your organization?

_________15. Demonstrate Concern – Good listening, prompt service, keeping promises, quick follow-up – these and many other actions demonstrate concern for the customer.  How are you and your organization doing in this area?

      _________16. Renew Your Efforts Constantly – Good intentions can get you started down the road to superior customer service, but there are many distractions along the way.  How can you periodically renew your commitment to superior customer service?

      _________17. Know Your “Service Cycle” – Your “service cycle” is the step-by-step process of acquiring, serving and keeping customers.  It includes such things as:  opening new accounts, the processing of new accounts, delivering products and services, and taking care of problems.  Want are all the steps in your “service cycle?”

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