Finding Fun & Safe Social Networks For Children

As a sales coach in New Jersey, I work with hundreds of professionals every month…and many of them who are parents.  It’s amazing how much WE learn from our own kids or friend’s kids about the newest technologies and social media websites.

If you have children or not, it’s obvious how advanced and intuitive even toddlers can be with computers and technology.  As our children grow up in today’s world, they will easily gain a curiosity with not only the technology itself, but also the platforms we use to communicate…including social media.

Their are new social media platforms emerging at an alarming rate, and would require us to take up another full-time job just to keep up on what’s out there.  With that said, it’s safe to say your kids are keeping up quicker than you are.

It is our job as parents to moderate the type of content our children take in to the best of our abilities and luckily, the government has been catching up to technology with much needed laws such as The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act that prevents websites from collecting personal information from children who are under the age of 13 without their parents permission.

I came across a very nice article from Mashable that shows you some fun and safe social networks for children…click here to read the full article.

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