7 Websites I Follow Daily For Motivation and Inspiration


1. Mind Movies and the Inspiration Show are two resources that support business ideas to help stay focused on the goals that are important in our professional and personal lives and ideas on how to accomplish these goals.  Video based vision boards are utilized and live interviews with successful people are shared to help gain ideas, insight and to stay motivated and positive.




2.  Dr. Dain Heer teaches about becoming a better person and adding to the positive change that is necessary in the world.  He teaches how to change self to impact the universe.  He is a great speaker and easy to understand information and ideas to implement.  He offers a ton of free stuff to get you started.





3. Eben Pagen speaks about various topics and shares ideas that are relevant to today’s businessperson.  I have purchased several of his products (on-line courses) and have utilized his information to help improve my life, my training ideas, etc.  He is a successful businessman and offers ideas to improve business abilities.




4. Everyone knows the name Dale Carnegie.  I receive newsletter weekly from his company and have researched different topics this newsletter offers to further my knowledge on various business topics.  Many simple ideas on how to execute change and develop new behaviors.





5. Brendon Burchard is an energetic personality who shares great business ideas.  I have purchased books from him and participated in on-line classes.  He is a fun personality that engages you to think about different ideas to challenge your comfort zone and improve skills.




6. Brian Tracy has been around for decades and his library of information, tools, books, etc. is valuable.  I have purchased several of his books, programs and follow him regularly o with his newsletter and other social media shared information.  He has expertise in several business skills and hares ideas on how to implement and change your own skills for improved behavior and goal success.




7. Jason Garcia offers newsletter and emails about various organizing ideas to help us gain control and become more productive, both at work and at home.  He offers many free resources and topics to help everyone achieve balance and success.


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