Why Writing A Business Plan For Your Life Is Key To Landing Your Dream Job

I thought not only is this something you could share with your college-aged kids (if you have them), but is also appropriate for us more seasoned professional adults.  If you know me, you know how much I preach the importance of planning and visualization in attaining your goals.  Doing the exercise suggested in this article is also a great way to get on track towards unreached goals for someone of any age!  Enjoy…

Why Writing A Business Plan For Your Life Is Key To Landing Your Dream Job

business plan

A friend of mine who is an admissions director for a top college told me recently that to be accepted at his school requires much more than high test scores. He is screening applicants that have shown outsized accomplishments like making films in Uganda on the subject of water-starved cattle and parched-earth farming conditions or scaling a 4,000-foot peak with one arm tied behind your back to gain more self-knowledge.

And not even all these applicants are getting in! He says he is constantly amazed at what people are accomplishing even before entering college. The gauntlet has been laid down for achieving leadership skills at an earlier age than ever before.

It’s the same for hiring in top firms and organizations. It used to be that you learned how to become a leader once you got the job. Now you have to be a leader to get the job. It used to be you were mentored on the job. Now you have to be a mentor to land the job. It used to be that maybe after a few years on the job you would branch out and start your own firm with what you learned. Now you get hired based on the fact that you already started a firm — even if you failed at it.

In a highly competitive workplace with top jobs scarce waste no time being a follower. Go right to leadership.

Figure out your highest and best use. Not for all of eternity — just for now. It’s going to evolve as you evolve throughout your lifetime. It’s of no value to say you don’t know yourself and your skills. Equally non-productive is accusing others of causing you to not get noticed or hired. Victim-itess is the enemy of leadership. It parades like the leader with no clothes.

Get in touch with your skills and what energizes you — what you are good at — and don’t deny manual or other skills just because you think you will not make enough money or its not cool enough to become a mechanic. Use self-diagnosis as if you were sitting in a chair across the desk from yourself…

Read this article in its entirety: http://www.businessinsider.com/write-a-business-plan-to-land-dream-job-2014-10#ixzz3G2qhYxL5


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