Personal Goal Setting & Results – 4 Part Blog Series

People don’t plan to fail, people fail to plan!


• Do you have daily goals?

• Do you haves weekly goals?

• Do you have monthly goals?

• Do you have annual goals?

• Do you have five-year plan?

• Do you have plan beyond five years?

Think about these:

• There is no one big thing you can do that will make you a great parent.
• There’s no one-time gesture that will make you the perfect friend.
• There is no single action you can take that will set your career and provide lasting success.

Bottom line – the sum of the results from each little success added together equals the large success you originally set out to accomplish.

Little steps add up to big change or outcomes. You have to work at it!

Eddie Cantor (an old vaudevillian) said, “It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.”

Think of your career and the success that comes with your skill development. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle. In order to see the whole picture you have to put each little piece into effect before you achieve the desired result. Each piece of the puzzle is equally important to seeing the whole picture realized. That piece requires attention and focus. Ignore one or more of them and the picture is never finished. Every piece counts!

Four things we are going to discuss over the next four-week series:

1. Practice the Fundamentals of Goal Success – 10 Goal Related “Fundamentals
2. Planning Your Way to Goal Success
3. Implementing Your Way to Goal Success
4. Managing Your Way to Goal Success

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