An exceptional "30-Second Commercial"

or “Value Statement” is important to rapidly and effectively connect and build rapport with prospects. 

Your Value Statement should quickly explain why you and your organization are better than your competition. It should also prepare the prospect for a back and forth conversation allowing you to ask questions to understand how you can improve their situation or solve a problem. 

You can develop a Value Statement for a variety of situations, and venues.  Remember your Value Statement should be dynamic and change as your gain more experience and as your career evolves. 

Using our template to help you create your one of kind 30-Second Commercial will help your prospects remember you long after that first meeting.

Or join Connie on her "Heart-Centered Sales Leader" Podcast

Success Stories

Growth Through Imagination

First off, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts with my region’s training over the past 2 days. The sessions were dynamic, energized, fun for all, and informative. I believe the participants took away a lot of valuable skills and resources from the training. Many thanks.
- Al Giobbie
Regional Manager
I had a great time. It was fun, informative and full of energy. I feel I am ready to execute my sales plan with a better understanding of going out there and having a good profile on my prospect and most of all being prepared. Thanks so much.
- Sarah Mancinelli
I have to say that you made the class more enjoyable than I would have ever imagined. I went into the course with doubts of my ability and confidence, and came out with an increased comfort level. You made me feel like I could do this! Your style is wonderful…don’t ever change!
Here at The Guilford Savings Bank, we are always looking for ways to enhance and grow our sales and service skills. I believe that anyone looking to re-enforce and/or grow their current skills level would greatly benefit from your course. I hope to have the opportunity to participate in future training courses with you
- Monica Gallo
Manager, The Guilford Savings Bank
I LOVED the class! I learned a lot from Connie. She is awesome, the class is awesome. The way she went over things made me look at them in a different perspective. I definitely think I will benefit in my sales from this class. I’m excited for 201 and to learn more from her.
- Samatha Strace
Just wanted to thank you so much for all your help the other day. Improvement was made the first week… Again I want to THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU! —Marisa Abreu Bank Center Manage
- Marisa Abreu
Bank Center Manager